Saturday, October 22, 2011

Post Exam Syndrome

Empty. Stress. Worried. and a lot of weird feeling. I guess, that is what we felt after an exam. We worried about the result, stress when we do answer the question (it happens to  the people who is not ready for the exam). But, beside the feeling. Some people has a lot of plans to do after the exam (including me). Here they are :

Coffee with friends.
Self Trip.
Watching Movie.

All of them, i must do it to refresh my self.
Those are in the list just a few one, there's another thing that i wanna do.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Jangan menjadi seoarng yang memiliki sifat seperti "Serigala berbulu domba", karena kelak semua akan terbongkar dan membuat diri kamu itu malu!!